New Features request

New Features request

Hello Zakya Team,
I would request the Zakya Team to consider adding the following features.

1. The option of Displaying MRP in the Billing POS, Sales Order/invoice, Purchase Order/Bills etc wherever applicable.

2. The Option of displaying Discount both at Transaction level and Line item level

3. If MRP and Selling Price of the Product is different, then the option for calculating & showing the Discount automatically, in the respective discount field of the line item in Billing POS, Sales Order/invoice, Purchase Order/Bills etc wherever applicable. Ex: Product A, MRP:50, Selling price: 45; Discount calculated: 5 (50-45).

4. Creation of a Minimum Selling Price field in the Price Tab of the item creation module, so that whenever the selling price reaches below the mentioned level, it would notify. Ex: Product A, MRP:50, Selling price: 45; Minimum Selling Price: 40 (below which I don't want to sell the product). Maximum Discount Allowed: Rs.10 (MRP-MSP) i.e., 20%

5. feature of Displaying the Collective Maximum Allowable Discount for items in a bill (both in terms of Percentage & Amount) in the Zakya Billing POS based on the discounts at Line item level (calculated based on the Minimum Selling Price field) duly restricting the Maximum Allowable Discount to the % provided to the items (cumulatively) and Transaction level discount shall be allowed to the Remaining Balance of the Maximum Allowable Discount
Product-A; MRP:50, Selling price: 45; Minimum Selling Price(MSP) : 40; Maximum Discount Allowed(MDA): Rs.10 (MRP-MSP) i.e., 20%
Product-B; MRP:175, Selling price: 160; Minimum Selling Price(MSP) : 145; Maximum Discount Allowed(MDA): Rs.30 (MRP-MSP) i.e., 17%
Product-C; MRP:1000, Selling price: 935; Minimum Selling Price(MSP) : 875; Maximum Discount Allowed(MDA): Rs.125 (MRP-MSP) i.e., 12.5%

For Billing of 3 Products: MRP:1225; SP: 1140; MSP: 1060; MDA: 165

Total line item level discount provided is Rs. 85
Transaction level Discount allowed is 80 {165(MDA) - 85(Total Line item discount)}  (Showing the Max:80 in the Transaction level Discount Field)

6. Items search in the Sales Order/invoice, Purchase Order/Bills shall be made easy (for example when I type 4-in-1 in the items bar, it should display all the items that contain 4-in-1, instead it is showing no results), and also it would be easy if it is allowed to add items by using barcode scanning of both barcode and SKU code like in billing POS